Results for: early childhood

Featured image for post: Residence Life FAQs

Residence Life FAQs

Residence Life FAQs Am I required to live on Campus? Barton College students are required to live in the residence halls until they have lived on campus...

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Featured image for post: Campus Visit FAQs

Campus Visit FAQs

Campus Visit FAQs How long will my tour last? Your visit will last about two to two and a half hours. The actual tour will last around one hour. You’ll...

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Featured image for post: Inauguration


The Inaguration of Dr. Douglas N. Searcy Twelfth President of Barton College Friday, April 15, 2016 Delegate Instructions Get Started About...

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Featured image for post: Family Weekend

Family Weekend

Family Weekend Activities Greetings, Bulldog Families! Here is your schedule for the 2024 Barton College Family Weekend. Please secure your accommodations...

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