Featured image for post: Emma Dalton

Emma Dalton


Hometown: Vinton, Virginia

Major: Special Education & Elementary Education

Minors: Exceptional Children & Social Work

Why are you an Orientation Leader: I am an Orientation Leader because I love helping and educating others. I wanted to make an impact on the college and community.

Favorite Barton memory: My favorite Barton memory is the entire summer of my first year on the orientation team. I met some of my lifelong friends during training and getting spend time with them doing what we love was so special. The best part of it was riding bikes around campus, until I fell into a bush, but the laughs made it worth it.

What do you want new students and their families to know: I learned that it is okay to be nervous or even scared, this is a time to learn from mistakes and find one’s true self. Try new things and meet new people, you won’t regret it.